Valentine's Day 2023 is Coming

Valentine's Day 2023 is Coming

Posted by Jason, who lives in the Black Hills of South Dakota on Jan 14th 2023

For the plan-ahead folks out there, Valentine’s Day is one month from now. I know, I know. We just got over the 2022 holiday season, and now you’re telling me to worry about Valentine’s Day, already? You are thinking, “Oh, here we go again.”

So, I ask you, is that the right attitude - having to worry about telling your Valentine Sweetie that you care? Ok, ok. Just having a little fun here.

But, like it or not, this special day has been around for over 1,500 years. Ever since Pope Gelasius I declared it so, on February 13, 496, the day was been known as St. Valentine’s Day. Since the 8th Century the Feast of Saint Valentine has been celebrated on the February 14th. For those that did not read about this in the Blog last year, it all started with a priest in the early Catholic Church, named Valentine. Following Roman tradition, he continued to marry young soldier to their sweethearts, even after the Emperor Claudius II of Rome decided that soldiers should remain unmarried. Claudius put the priest to death for defying his orders. Several hundred years later, Valentine was sainted by the Pope. It seems Claudius II got this wrong, after all. That’s why we celebrate this date – a tradition that lasted through the ages.

So, here we are with a month or less (depending on when you read this) to prepare for the big day, February 14, 2023. If you have a loved one, it’s time to start thinking about it. There are cards to express your affection and gifts to give. There are flowers to give, rings, cologne, perfume, and of course, Harley gifts. Actually, nothing says “I love you” better than a Harley shirt, blouse, boots, or whatever your honey likes.  

Think about it.

In a few weeks, if you are signed up for Wisconsin Harley-Davidson emails, you’ll get a list of items for guys and gals that will make your gift purchases easy. If you are not getting these emails now, just sign up at the bottom of, where it says Connect with us. (Hit Ctrl+Click to follow the link). No worries. You won’t be flooded with emails. However, you’ll get one when it counts.

Happy Valentine’s Day. It's coming soon.